Images are a powerful messaging tool as they add visual interest that can grab attention, convey emotions or ambiance, and demonstrate life at WSU.
Photos must depict real WSU students/faculty/staff, campus locations, campus activities and events, Winona/Rochester-area locations, or Winona/Rochester-area activities and events.
Clip art, line drawings and commercial stock photography are not permitted. Blinking or animated images are not permitted.
Logos and identity graphics are not permitted unless there is significant marketing value due to a well-known partnership as determined by MarComm. The MarComm team reserves the right to make exceptions to these standards if necessary.
Images will be placed only within template blocks designed to hold images and at the appropriate dimensions.
Images will be placed strategically so that they add value to a webpage, rather than overwhelm or clutter an information-dense webpage.
The quantity of images and image file sizes must not compromise page-load speeds.
Images must meet technical quality standards (.jpeg file type, minimum 72dpi resolution, optimized for web and below 1MB size) and aesthetic quality standards as determined by MarComm.