We want to do our best to write relevant posts that are relatable to current students' questions and concerns right when they need the information.   

The lists below are meant to guide topic brainstorm sessions throughout the year 

Use them as a jumping off point to dive deeper or explore a new angle within a topic. How can you add something new and interesting to the conversation about a topic? 

Topic Themes 

Volunteering & Fundraising 

  • Where do WSU students volunteer in Winona and/or other communities? Why and what is their impact? What do they like about volunteering?  

  • Why should I volunteer when I’m a busy college student? How can I volunteer? 

  • What are some of the best ways cash-strapped college students can make a donation 

  • What are some causes/organizations where my dollar will make the most impact? 

  • How could I do a mission/service trip over spring or summer break? Have other students done this? 

Political Action & Civic Engagement 

  • How are WSU students getting engaged in political processes? Why and what is their impact? What do they like about this way of advocating for changes they believe in? 

  • What are some political issues that affect me as a college student? Why should I care? 

  • What are some political issues that affect other people in my community? Why should I care? How can I help? 

  • What are some easy but powerful ways to voice my opinions to the politicians who represent me? 

  • Why should I pay attention to local elections when I’m just a college student?  

  • Are there any WSU graduates who have a career working in political systems (serving in office, on a campaign, as part of an advocacy group etc.)? What are they doing and why? 


Social Issues 

  • How are WSU students getting engaged in social activism/causes? Why and what is their impact? What do they like about this way of creating changes they believe in? 

  • What are some social issues that affect me as a college student? Why should I care?  

  • What are some social issues that other people in my community? Why should I care? How can I help? 

  • Are there any WSU graduates who have a career working to solve social problems (at a non-profit, as part of an advocacy group etc.)? What are they doing and why? 


Environment Concerns 

  • How are WSU students working to protect the environment and use natural resources wisely? Why and what is their impact? What do they like about this way of making a difference? 

  • What are some manageable ways I can live a sustainable lifestyle as a college student? 

  • What are some environmental issues that affect me as a college student? Why should I care?  

  • What are some environmental issues that other people in my community? Why should I care? How can I help? 

  • Are there any WSU graduates who have a career working to protect the environment (at a non-profit, as part of an advocacy group etc.)? What are they doing and why?