Poster distribution for general campus-use bulletin boards is managed on a by-department basis. Review the list below for more information on where to take posters and how many posters are supported at each location. Please note: Some departments require email notification of poster requests in advance. These areas are marked below with an asterisk (*), and designated contact information is included.

Any student, employee or club may request poster placement for WSU-related announcements, events, developments, activities or achievements. Posters will be hung only on bulletin boards that have been approved for general campus use.

Offices in Charge of Campus-Use Bulletin Boards

Bulletin Board Location(s)    
Max. Copies
Gildemeister 103*
Gildemeister Hall
Email: [email protected]
Student Resource Center*
(1st floor Kryzsko Commons)
Kryzsko Commons
Email: George Micalone, [email protected]

See the full policy for posters in the Student Union, under "Advertising, Posting & Promotion"
Housing & Residence Office
(2nd Floor Kryzsko Commons)
Residence Halls
Email: [email protected]
Academic Year: 53
Summer Term: 0
PAC 215*
DuFresne Performing Arts Center
Email: [email protected]
Phelps 126
Phelps Hall
Email: [email protected]
Minne 206*
Minne Hall
Email: [email protected]
Circulation Desk
(1st Floor Library)
Krueger Library
Watkins 204*
Watkins Hall
Email: [email protected]
Stark 203
Stark Hall & Science Laboratory Center
Retiree Center Office
(Alumni House)
Alumni House
Somsen 205
Somsen Hall
OERC front deskEducation Village - Wabasha Recreation Center1
TotalAll CampusAcademic Year: 71
Summer Term: 18

Across campus there are bulletin boards that have been designated for department or club use only, and you may not hang posters in these locations. However, you may reach out to the specified department or club to ask if they would be willing to allow your poster on their bulletin board.

It is strongly encouraged to submit posters to the offices listed above. If you choose to hang posters on departmental bulletin boards without approval or post in other campus locations, your posters may be removed and disposed of without warning.

In addition, please note that posters/flyers may not: 

  • obscure the view of egress signage, way-finding signage, or emergency equipment
  • be placed on steps or railings